Why teach mindfulness in school? Among other benefits mindfulness develops self-regulation, focus, emotional literacy, empathy…
“We do not know what specific knowledge our children are going to need ten or twenty or even five years from now because the world and their work, when they come to it, will be so different from ours.
What we do know is that they will need to know how to pay attention, how to focus and concentrate, how to listen, how to learn, and how to be in wise relationship with themselves – including their thoughts and emotions – and with others.”
Jon Kabat-Zinn, Mindfulness in Education, 2013.
Based firmly in neuroscience, MindUP teaches the skills and knowledge children need to regulate their stress and emotion, form positive relationships, and act with kindness and compassion.
As part of a whole school approach to Personal Development, PSHE education supports, encourages, equips and enables children to develop the essential skills for their futures to:
-become healthy, independent and responsible members of a global community
-acquire the knowledge, understanding and skills they need to become successful adults and members of society
-understand how they are developing personally and socially
-have the confidence to tackle many of the moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up
-value themselves, one another and their environment
-reflect on their values and those of others that may be similar or differ from these
-know about their rights and responsibilities and appreciate what it means to be a member of a diverse society
-maintain balanced, healthy, life styles, mentally, emotionally and physically
-keep themselves and others safe
-be productive, capable, responsible, creative and enterprising
-make effective transitions
-have a positive attitude towards their learning
-build their confidence, resilience and self-esteem
-take safe risks in their learning , understanding that mistakes are learning opportunities
-understand and accept difference and change
-recognise and manage their feelings and emotions
-communicate effectively and appropriately
-develop empathy
-form and maintain good relationships
-overcome barriers to their learning
-improve their capacity to learn and to achieve
-achieve economic wellbeing in their future
Bournehall believes effective PSHE education makes a significant contribution to children’s:
-spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development
-behaviour and attitudes
As part of a whole school approach to Personal Development, PSHE education supports, encourages, equips and enables children to develop the essential skills for their futures - to:
become healthy, independent and responsible members of a global community
acquire the knowledge, understanding and skills they need to become successful adults and members of society
understand how they are developing personally and socially
have the confidence to tackle many of the moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up
value themselves, one another and their environment
reflect on their values and those of others that may be similar or differ from these
know about their rights and responsibilities and appreciate what it means to be a member of a diverse society
maintain balanced, healthy, life styles, mentally, emotionally and physically
keep themselves and others safe
be productive, capable and responsible
be creative and enterprising
make effective transitions
have a positive attitude towards their learning
build their confidence, resilience and self-esteem
take safe risks in their learning , understanding that mistakes are learning opportunities
make informed choices
understand and accept difference and change
recognise and manage their feelings and emotions
communicate effectively and appropriately
develop empathy
work with others
form and maintain good relationships
overcome barriers to their learning
improve their capacity to learn and to achieve
achieve economic wellbeing in their future
Effective PSHE education makes a significant contribution to children’s:
spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development
behaviour and attitudes
In developing our PSHE curriculum we have adhered to the PSHE Association’s 10 evidence-based principles of good practice in PSHE education which align fully with our school ethos.
PSHE lessons:
have a clear focus
may start with a question/problem to solve
encourage creative thinking, reasoning and respect
have a context that connects with children’s own lives and experiences
encourage and develop the skills needed for children to ask their own questions
include discussion and debate
take into account pupils’ prior knowledge and understanding
support children’s application and development of basic skills through effective communication and understanding in different ways including art, drama, talking and writing in different forms with a focus on vocabulary development – particularly that to describe feelings and emotions
may be supported by or delivered through:
Protective Behaviours, Bucket Filling, Emotional Literacy, Growth Mindset, Herts Steps approach, Thrive approach .
NB: PSHE education permeates all aspects of school life and is inextricably linked with SMSC.
The Whole School Personal Development Overview identifies the resources that support the delivery of the PSHE curriculum
Information about these – including links can be found on our website
RSH Education is a part of the PSHE Curriculum. We use materials that have been approved by the PSHE Association, including SCARF (Safety, Caring, Achievement, Resilience, Friendship), 'Growing Up with Yasmine and Tom' from the FPA (Family Planning Association).