We have children in school with severe allergies to nuts and dairy products. In order to keep everyone safe, we ask that all parents and carers respect that this is a NUT- FREE environment and request that no nut products (including peanut butter or Nutella) are brought into school.
SNACK TIME (morning break)
A piece of fresh fruit or vegetable is available for every child, daily in Reception and Key Stage 1 - at no cost.
Children may also bring fresh fruit of vegetable from home.
Key Stage 2 children may bring a healthy snack from home.
Where families are in receipt of benefits, children may be eligible for Free School Meals.
Even where children are already receiving Universal Free Schools Meals, you should STILL apply for Free School Meals as this enables the school to offer you support with other expenses e.g. school uniform, trips, music tuition and extra-curricular clubs delivered by external providers.
For further information, please follow the link below. Office staff will be happy to help you.
Hertfordshire Free School Meals
To find out more information about whether you are eligible for Free School Meals click here.
Lunches are served in both the 'Ocean Cafe' and the hall.
Our fabulous kitchen staff provide freshly cooked meals daily.
Children can choose between a meat or a vegetarian option. A third choice of a filled jacket potato is available every day. The very popular salad bar adds the opportunity to add further fresh vegetables to any lunch.
Menus rotate over three weeks, with fresh produce reflecting the season and locally sourced.
We cater for those on special diets because of medical, cultural or religious reasons.
The current menu is available on this website and via the school office.
You may also choose to provide your child with a packed lunch from home. Packed lunches must be healthy and balanced to conform to the school’s commitment to providing healthy meals. We can provide guidance to you on how to provide a healthy lunch.
All children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 receive a healthy nutritious lunch at no cost to you.
Universal Infant Free School Meals (UIFSM) is a government initiative aimed at improving academic attainment for infant children and to help families save money.
Each child gets a healthy nutritious cooked lunch which includes a main course and pudding. Water is always available in the school dining room.
Good food provision in schools has been shown to lead not only to healthier children, but to improved attainment. The plan was brought in to help create a generation of children who enjoy food that makes them healthier, more successful and most importantly happier.
Better health – a cooked school lunch gives children essential vitamins and minerals they need to help them grow, develop, fight infection and have the energy to lead a happy and healthy life.
Better concentration and achievement - there is a link between what children eat at lunchtime in school, where they eat it and how they focus with their teachers in the afternoon. It teaches them to sit down together, which develops their social skills and encourages them to try new foods.