Bournehall Primary School

Inspiring a Love of Learning


Bournehall Avenue, Bushey, Hertfordshire WD23 3AX

020 8950 4438



At Bournehall Primary School, we are committed to protect and safeguard the welfare of all of the children in our care and expect all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. We have a statutory duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and follow national and local child protection procedures.

All of our safeguarding policies are available here on our school website in the 'policies' section. The Child Protection policy can also be accessed at the bottom right of this webpage.

Sometimes we may need to share information and work in partnership with other agencies when there are concerns about a child’s welfare. We will ensure that our concerns about our children are discussed with his/her parents/carers first unless we have reason to believe that such a move would be contrary to the child’s welfare.


  • Our school is part of Operation Encompass. This is a police and education early intervention safeguarding partnership which supports children and young people who experience domestic abuse.
  • Operation Encompass means that the police will share information about domestic abuse incidents with our school PRIOR to the start of the next school day when they have been called to a domestic incident.
  • Our parents are fully aware that we are an Operation Encompass school.
  • The Operation Encompass information is stored in line with all other confidential safeguarding and child protection information.
  • The key adult has also led training for all school staff and Governors about Operation Encompass, the prevalence of domestic abuse and the impact of this abuse on children. We have also discussed how we can support our children following the Operation Encompass notification.
  • We are aware that we must do nothing that puts the child/ren or the non-abusing adult at risk.
  • The Safeguarding Governor will report on Operation Encompass in the termly report to Governors. All information is anonymised for these reports.
  • The key adult has used the Operation Encompass Toolkit to ensure that all appropriate actions have been taken by the school.  
  • Our Key Adults are Mr S Wells and Mrs A Boorn


Bournehall Primary School is fully committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all its pupils. As a school we recognise that safeguarding against radicalisation is no different from safeguarding against any other vulnerabilityAt Bournehall Primary School all staff are expected to uphold and promote the fundamental principles of British values, including democracy, the rule of law,   individual liberty and mutual respect, and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.


Links to Other Policies

The Bournehall Primary School Anti-Radicalisation policy statement links to the following policies:

Child Protection and Safeguarding (including on-line-Safety)

Behaviour (including Anti-bullying)


Aims and Principles

The main aims of this policy statement are to ensure that staff are fully engaged in being vigilant about radicalisation; that they overcome professional disbelief that such issues will not happen here and ensure that we work alongside other    professional bodies and agencies to ensure that our pupils are safe from harm.

The principle objectives are that:

All governors, teachers, teaching assistants and non-teaching staff will have an understanding of what radicalisation and extremism are and why we need to be vigilant in school.

All governors, teachers, teaching assistants and non-teaching staff will know what the school policy is on anti-radicalisation and extremism and will follow the policy when issues arise.

All parents and pupils will know that the school has policies in place to keep pupils

safe from harm and that the school regularly reviews its systems to ensure they are appropriate and effective.


Definitions and Indications

Radicalisation is defined as the act or process of making a person more radical or favouring of extreme or fundamental changes in political, economic or social conditions, institutions or habits of the mind.

Extremism is defined as the holding of extreme political or religious views.


Procedure for Referrals

Although serious incidents involving radicalisation have not occurred at Bournehall to date, it is important for us to be constantly vigilant and remain fully informed  about the issues which affect the region in which we teach. Staff are reminded to suspend any professional disbelief that instances of radicalisation ‘could not happen here’ and to refer any concerns through the appropriate channels (currently via the Child Protection Designated Safeguarding Lead).


The Role of the Curriculum

Our curriculum promotes respect, tolerance and diversity. Children are encouraged to share their views and recognise that they are entitled to have their own different beliefs which should not be used to influence others.

Our PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education), Citizenship and SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural) provision is embedded across the curriculum, and    underpins the ethos of the school.

It is recognised that children with low aspirations are more vulnerable to radicalisation and therefore we strive to equip our pupils with confidence, self-belief, respect and tolerance as well as setting high standards and expectations for themselves.

Children are regularly taught about how to stay safe when using the Internet and  are encouraged to recognise that people are not always who they say they are online. They are taught to seek adult help if they are upset or concerned about  anything they read or see on the Internet.


Staff Training

Through INSET opportunities in school, we will ensure that our staff are fully aware of the threats, risks and vulnerabilities that are linked to radicalisation; are aware of the process of radicalisation and how this might be identified early on.


Policy Review

The Anti-Radicalisation policy statement will be reviewed annually as part of the overall Child Protection and Safeguarding policy review. 

Allegations about safeguarding children (Child Protection)

Allegations about the safeguarding and protection of children must be handled in accordance with statutory guidance and the Hertfordshire Safeguarding Children Board (“HSCB”) Procedures Manual (“HSCB” Procedures”) published in September 2017 This document can be accessed at The relevant statutory guidance can be found in 'Keeping Children Safe in Education' (Statutory Guidance for Schools and Colleges) dated September 2016 and 'Working Together to Safeguard Children' dated March 2015. These documents can be accessed at

Any allegation that a member of staff has:

- behaved in a way that has, or may have, harmed a child

- possibly committed a criminal offence against or related to a child or

- behaved towards a child in a way that indicates that he/she is unsuitable to work with children should be dealt with in accordance with HSCB procedures

Schools should appoint a designated safeguarding lead (DSL), also known as ‘designated senior person’ (DSP) from the school’s senior leadership team who has appropriate authority and is given the time for training and resources in order to provide support and advice to other staff on child protection matters. There should always be cover for this role should the DSL be away for any reason.

Schools should ensure they are familiar with their designated officer (DO), also known as ‘Local Authority Designated Officer’ (LADO) from the Local Authority who handles child protection/safeguarding allegations. The DO has a statutory duty to ensure that allegations about safeguarding are handled properly and expeditiously.

The key points for all responsible individuals (typically the Headteacher, chair of governors and DSL) to follow when made aware of a safeguarding allegation are:

- read and be familiar with chapter 4.1: “Managing Allegations Against Adults Who Work with Children And Young People” of the HSCB Procedures;

- if it is believed or suspected that a child is suffering or is likely to suffer significant harm, a referral must be made immediately to the Children’s Services Assessment Team and/or the police

- inform the LADO within one working day of any allegation meeting the criteria above that comes to the school’s attention and any referral made to the Children’s Services Assessment Team and/or the police. Whilst a preliminary assessment of the available evidence can be made in order to inform the LADO, no attempt should be made to carry out an investigation. The standard referral form must be used (available from the Safeguarding portal within the LADO section: and a decision is usually made within 24 hours and often within just a few hours



 Mr S Wells    (Head Teacher)

            Deputy DSLs         

     Mrs A Boorn           (Deputy/Acting Head Teacher) 

     Mrs A Lyden           (Acting Assistant Head Teacher)

     Miss S Beasley       (SENDCo) 

Our governor responsible for safeguarding is:

Sir Alan Steer