Bournehall Primary School

Inspiring a Love of Learning


Bournehall Avenue, Bushey, Hertfordshire WD23 3AX

020 8950 4438





EYFS - There is a revised, national Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum, effective from 1st September 2021. 

Click here to find out more

Years 1-6

We continue to follow the Chris Quigley Curriculum.

Subject leaders and class teachers have worked together to identify children's gaps in knowledge and have prioritised the teaching of missed content that they will require in order to allow future learning stick. 

Curriculum adjustments have been informed by:

  • reviewing curriculum content in each subject, covered over the past eighteen months
  • identifying the 'crucial concepts' needing to be taught, for progression in each subject
  • rigorous formative assessments - through questioning, discussion and low stake tests to establish what pupils do and do not know  

... and then planning for effective curriculum delivery, to 'build back better'. 

"We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future."                                                                          

Franklin D Roosevelt

Click here to find out more about the five phases of 



Children’s well-being has always been - and remains, central to our school ethos and to our curriculum. We are aware that our children and their families will have had a range of  different experiences during 2020.

At Bournehall, our ‘Recovery Curriculum’ was developed to enable our children to feel happy, healthy, safe and ready to engage in learning within school once again.

We aim to create an environment where every child can:

  • build trust and positive relationships
  • socially interact with adults and peers
  • follow a structure and routine
  • learn to co-regulate and self-regulate emotions and behaviours
  • engage constructively in learning

Professor Barry Carpenter, CBE, PhD, FCCT Professor of Mental Health in Education, Oxford Brookes University identified five losses experienced by children during the COVID- 19 Pandemic as loss of :

 Routine          Structure           Friendship         Opportunity           Freedom

and the four consequences of these losses as:

Bereavement            Attachment              Anxiety              Trauma

Any of these losses may trigger anxiety in any of us, but the combination at this time is significant and must be addressed.


Click here to listen to Professor Carpenter's  podcast on the Recovery Curriculum.

We know that an anxious child is not in a place to learn effectively. With this in mind, we considered the most effective ways in which we could support our children’s transition into learning back at school.

Our Recovery Curriculum

(Phase 1 of our Restorative Curriculum 2020-2021)

This encompasses both the emotional and academic development of our children and is based on Professor Barry Carpenter’s ‘5 levers’

Lever 1: Relationships

Reaching out and reconnecting with children and their families is the first critical step to this approach. We will provide a welcoming and nurturing environment, based on shared values and mutual respect, where they can connect with others.

Lever 2: Community

 We need to understand the experiences of our community so that we can respond effectively. Listening to children and their families will help us to respond and plan appropriate provision for each child, with a shared understanding of hopes, needs, roles and expectations.

 Lever 3: Metacognition  

We will explicitly structure our teaching to develop children’s confidence and skills that are essential for effective learning e.g. self- regulation, social communication and interaction, listening, maintaining concentration and resilience.  

Lever 4: Transparent Curriculum

Through learning conversations with staff, children will be actively involved in identifying the gaps in their learning and planning together for their ‘next steps’. Through the well-established systems in school e.g. circle time, protective behaviours, worry boxes and access to the pastoral team, children will be encouraged to recognise and express their feelings and needs. Parents and carers will be kept informed of learning expectations, content and any interventions and are encouraged to respond, so that ‘transparency’ of the curriculum is maintained.   

Lever 5: Space

Time and space will be provided for children to reflect and connect with their sense of self and to express their feelings - through both creative and physical activities e.g. mindfulness sessions during the day, movement, daily run, learning outdoors, expressive arts, crafts and music.